Monday, April 9, 2012

शाम के लम्हे

हम उनमे से नहीं हैं..
जिन्हें शराब सोने को चाहिए..
करे असर जरा भी अगर वो जाम
तो बस हमें खोने को चाहिए….

दो पल साकी को याद किया..
तीन तुम्हे…
हम तो ऐसे ही हैं...
चाहें के,
ऐसे लम्हे बार बार आयें
और उन्ही लम्हों में
खुद को डबोने को चाहिए….. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Google Ad Planner Tutorial for Beginners

Google Ad Planner - VGSOM - 4050

Google Ad Planner works as an excellent STP (Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning) tool as well. It helps you to segment the entire social web sphere based on certain parameters specified by you. You can then choose which segment to target. The advertisements will be shown only to those target audience. This going one step ahead also helps to you design your advertisement strategy or in a way positioning your offering.

Most of the analytics tools present give answers to the questions Why and What. They will tell you the trend, why the trend is like that and all stuff. Google Ad Planner not only tells you what and why but also guides you to use this what and why for your benefit.