Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Google Ad Planner - Mukul Gokhale (10BM60050) & Kumar Abhishek (10BM60040)

For detailed tutorial visit: this link 
Why Social Analytics?

With the news of Facebook launching $5 Bn IPO, worth of social media has touched new limits. There is something unique about social analytics. In other types of analytics, one has to put in huge amount of efforts in generating data itself. The efforts required for data warehousing and then mining are above the basic herculean task of generating data. Social media and social networking websites have done some wonder for the first step of data generation. People are voluntarily sharing their entire life with the world and hence also with data analytics firms.
We no more have to design those complex questionnaires, break our head to figure out what we basically want from user. Instead the user itself comes to you now and tells you what he likes, what he wants, what he does not want so on and so forth. Also, based on the web presence of target user, his/her social circle gives added data which otherwise would be very difficult to get.

Google Ad Planner: It’s different

an·a·lyt·ic[1] : Pertaining to or proceeding by analysis is what the definition of analytic says. All the analytics tools present in market are heavily focusing on the data crunching part to generate some models. Large, scary and hard to remember statistical equations and formulas at background do this work for you. Although this forms the important part of any analytics tool, Ad Planner goes one step further.

Most of the analytics tools present give answers to the questions Why and What. They will tell you the trend, why the trend is like that and all stuff. Google Ad Planner not only tells you what and why but also guides you to use this what and why for your benefit !!!

Google Ad Planner works as a perfect STP (Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning) tool as well. It helps you to segment the entire social web sphere based on certain parameters specified by you. You can then choose which segment to target. The advertisements will be shown only to those target audience. This going one step ahead also helps to you design your advertisement strategy or in a way positioning your offering. Its feature of providing the estimate of exposure to your marketing strategy is like icing on cake !!
Since the tool works on social media, it not only gives you the current market trends but also the demographics of people setting that trend. Since it is from Google, it has to have something unique. Well, Google Ad Planner gives you an option of choosing the target audience profile and it will give you the list of websites you should advertise on. Not only this but it will also tell you if you can advertise through Google or not !!

The Ingredients

To do any analysis, what we require is huge amount of data. Now Google Ad plannar does not need you to break your head to collect the data. It makes your life simple. You give the websites you want your advertisement to be on as the input and it will gather all the required data from those websites. It will even give you relevant websites which you did not think of.
The second method is to design the demographics of your would be customers and put it in Ad planner. Google Ad planner will then find out the websites which have these types of visitors.

The Recipe

Since this is an advertising planning tool, we intend to demonstrate its usage by choosing one product and developing the essentials for the same. The entire process can be shown as follows

Google Ad Planner will give the analysis of data for chosen social websites. This analysis will include the numbers of people visiting along with their demographics. Based on this data, it will be easy for use to segment this entire population and then choose the one that fits best for our product. Interesting feature of this planner will also suggest me related websites even though they are not in our list.

The Dish

So finally using all the data analysis done by Google Ad Planner and the insights generated along with suggestions given by Ad Planner, we can plan our media campaign for chosen product with an estimation of impressions generate and reach it will have.

[1] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/analytic

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