Thursday, June 18, 2009


Dedicated to all day dreamers.....
There are many things i wanted to do in my life other than what i do now.
i wanted to become a chef, an astronaut, a mariner, a writer but no i ended up banging keyboards..
but not until this time.... i like watching the plain homepage of google. i love the simple idea of getting info of anything on this globe from one simple text box. i usually punch in whatever comes to my mind and lo! i get some answers.
ocasionally my mind wanders around and i am amazed with some of the solutions and ideas my brains come up.
i have felt this proverbial light glowing over my head many a times when these moments, what i call slumbrightenment, answered some doubts i had in my mind since as back as my fifth class!!!!!
you would tell that the guy is out of senses but i bet that we dont forget anything its just that the thought gets covered by layers of dust that time blows as it whizzes past.
Let me describe "slumbrightenment" (its what i feel). In this state i suddenly feel my body very relaxed and my mind running like a wild horse. It does happen to me fairly regularly. You know most of the people find me lost in my own thoughts and when they ask i cant explain what i was thinking, i just say that if i had a penny for my thoughts i would have been a gazillionnaire!!
No, i'm not fooling around! Let me just give you one example - I once thought why not develop small light weight turbines made of silicon complex and put them in the huge sewers that run beneath out feet. If you have seen an open one some where you might agree with me when i say that they have water flowing at high speed. just put hundreds of such turbines in the cities and let it contribute to the electricity pool so that the excess power would reach some villages like mine where there is power for around 4 hours a day.
Well i do hope sometime one of my ideas will click and make our life easy like google that started out with a simple idea of bringing all info present on the web to one portal.
Happy dreaming.......


  1. How does the name relate to your state of mind is something i definitely would like to know an enlightened soul has this halo around him and it is supposed to be perceptible to all in the near vicinity. How does slumbrightenment compare to that??

  2. I coined this name to signify those sudden sparks. Most of the times they are silly. Nonetheless they are original. Not much to do with a halo. This term is dedicated to moments when you find a solution to a really old question in a totally different surrounding and you go 'Oh! so that's what it meant.'
